About Jagged Lines


Jagged Lines of Imagination Academy is a volunteer organization dedicated to promoting art as a vital component to developing self-expression and character.

  • From 2006-2015 JLI, operating as a tax-exempt nonprofit, developed an art studio and all-ages educational programs at various locations in Stockton. In 2015 JLI accomplished a primary part of its mission by establishing a public art studio where young artists can learn and practice art skills under the leadership of professional artists.
  • The Academy, with the support of the Family Resource & Referral Center and grants from the California Arts Council, provided all ages art classes out of that art studio, a part of the Podesto Teen Impact Center, from 2015 through March 2020, and via on line ZOOM classes from April 2020 through June 2021, and still available on YouTube.
  • The Academy continues to promote ART FOR EVERYONE via Facebook, on-line learning resources on YouTube, and art education programs and projects for artists of all ages.
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